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International Professional Exchange Program (IPEP)

Its general goal is to promote professional exchange and international understanding for
professionals in the field of social work, social welfare and human services.
Several CIF National Branches offer an IPEP with a minimum length of two weeks. You visit another
country, you get to know social work and the social system there, you are part of a group of
professionals from around the world and you experience staying in a host family.


CIF Austria International Professional Exchange Program (IPEP)
CIF Austria organizes since 1989 once a year in spring an International Professional Exchange
Program (IPEP).


When is the next CIF Austria IPEP?
For more information about the latest CIF Austria International Professional Exchange Program (IPEP)
please visit


Who can participate?
The programme is designed for professionals in the field of social work, social welfare and human
services with a minimum of two years of work experience and an educational background in the field.

What can you expect in the CIF Austria IPEP?
Beside the introduction to Austria and the social system, you will have a general program with
several study visits, contacts with a Member of Parliament, the Austrian Association of Social
Workers (Österreichischer Berufsverband der Sozialen Arbeit).
The individual field placements and study visits are connected to your professional background in
your home country.
We have a great cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences, Department for Social Work
( and we are happy having students being involved in our program.
Beside the professional exchange our program also promotes the exchange on a personal and
cultural level. CIF has a long tradition of hosting participants in host families. This is an important part
of our International Professional Exchange Programs.
For more information visit and watch the videos there (some
recordings are from our CIF Austria IPEP).


" The opportunity to contact with so many interesting people is unique." (Participant 2021)

Where and how can I apply?

We are looking forward receiving your application – here you find the application form and further information


More information needed?

​Just contact us, we are happy to answer all your questions and tell you about our IPEP-experiences

Ich lebe in Österreich, arbeite im Sozialbereich und interessiere mich für ein IPEP außerhalb Österreichs?

Toll, take the chance - das aktuelle Programm mit allen IPEPs findet sich auf und wird laufend aktualisiert.

Das sind die Voraussetzungen:

  • 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Sozialbereich (Soziale Arbeit, Arbeit mit Jugendlichen, Sonderschulbereich, psychosoziale Beratung...)

  • eine einschlägige Ausbildung (z.B. FH Soziale Arbeit, ehemals Sozialakademie, Kolleg für Sozialpädagogik...)

  • sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in der IPEP-Programmsprache (meist Englisch)

  • ein Interview mit einem Vereinsmitglied von CIF Austria (KONTAKT), es wird eine "Branch Reference" erstellt

Die Application Form findet sich als Download auf


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